Does it really matter to reveal your age?
This question doesn’t seem to bother me at all until recently.
Birthdays are supposed to be celebrated with elation and joy, without agonizing over the increasing number. True.
However, the feeling of turning old-er can’t be wiped out.
Plus, the excitement of graduating in approximately half a year time was almost petered out when my thoughts was drawn on exams and servicing the government.
Work. Work as what I’ve been mashing up my brain for.
I’m not old YET.
I’m just old-ER.
So happy to tell……
I’m 23!
Mom sent me these to remind me I’m born in the year of Moo. ;P
Birthday wishes?
I’ve plenty!!
But I do hope that my 23rd birthday would bring my dad good health all the way. Although his condition is getting better, let’s pray there won’t be any complications.
What else?
I want to GRADUATE! ;P
And….. I want…..
This much food!
Thanks for all the pretty gifts and lovely cards sent from far across the sea from family and dearest friends! Luv all of ya!
Spending birthday far from home makes me miss ’em so much!

Happy birthday! How cool that our birthdays are six days apart – I turn 23 on December 17!
Hope you got lots of presents and, of course, LOTS OF FOOD! 😀
haha, i just came here from FB…happy birthday again! 😉 looking at your birthday party spread, i’m sure you had a great time! 😉
I was trailing behind Nic, I also just hopped over from FB and wishing you a Happy Birthday again. Awww…23… sweet. Enjoy your day and you are still very YOUNG so don’t complain! Hahaha!
OMG, what a massive spread of food! You’re one lucky girl 🙂
Happy B’day… 23 years old isn’t bad at all, enjoy it, ok 😉
Happy Sweet 23 to you, Christine. Wish you all the best. Enjoy your big day 🙂
happy birthday ya!!
u wan so many foods!! manage to finish?? haha
Happy Birthday. 23 is still very young. I’m looking at the big 3 next year. T_T
Happy Birthday!!
and may all ur wishes come true ~ ^_^
happy birthday my dear!
hope u have a wonderful celebration and pretty memorable one in glasgow.
aiks… see, i m teman-ing u in a few weeks time. aikssss
Happy Birthday to you! Moo?? Hehz.. You are still younger than me.. Gosh!
happie burfday to our super flogger!!! didnt know ur age until you reveal it. haha. happy studying for ur dds too!
MOooooooooo happy belated birthday, may your wishes come true. Wooooo so much food, never did that much food when I was in Scotland, lol!
Happy Birthday!!! Reveal ur age of 23 is not hard but I’m already reach a age that I don’t want to reveal ^.^
Happy Birthday to you gal!
Thanks for your wishes 🙂
Yeah I did ;P
Thanks again!!
Precious Pea~
Ok.ok. I won’t complain ;P
haha.. Thanks a lot! Hugz.
that spread of food was actually taken before I leave for
But I had another spread from frens here ;P
Thanks a lot! 🙂
wei… where have u been these days? Din hang out for food wif them? btw… thank you so much! 🙂
Can’t finish all by myself tho ;P
haha.. time flies rite.. getting older very fast! lol
thanks again! ^^
thanks gal!hugz!
gonna welcome u to my group soon dear! ngek ngek ngek ;P
Hope u’ll have a great one next year gal! Coming soon!! 🙂
haha.. am I? Which zodiac are you? haha… mind to tell me? ^^
I don’t look like do I? LoL. So happy to hear that! tell me more! haha. How’s life back in Msia? Must be good rite!
thanks BBO! Miss your cakes la! ;P
haha.. So I can stop complaining already ;P
thanks a lot! Hugz!