London has been the second most visited place for us after spots in Glasgow. It was during early June when we decided to meet up with Zi and Eva before departing to Barcelona the next day.
Craving for a roasted duck meal, we settled down in Four Seasons restaurant, famous for their roasted shares of London ducks!
There we were, sitting down in Four Seasons after shopping at Harrods scrutinizing at the menu. It has been almost a year since I last saw Zi, my old buddy. As I tilted my head up from the menu, there he was, as cool as ever, with his usual specs, big headphones hanging around his neck and hand in hand with Eva, the sweet, hot girl with the LV bag.
Adjourning to the food:
MaPo ToFu 麻婆豆腐 was kinda disappointing as it lacked the kick factor that we’re expecting. Only a hint of spiciness tasted and the lack of flavour granted its mediocre status.
Stir-Fry Beef with flat noodles in XO sauce 干炒牛河 was promising though. The noodles was somehow ‘springy’ or like what Taiwanese like to address; very ‘Q’. The meat blended well with the flat noodles and the sauce were flavoursome. Not bad for a typical chinese restaurant in central London 🙂
Here comes the star; a whole roasted duck 烧鸭 for the 4 of us. Roasted to perfection, with drizzles of sauce and coated with shiny texture of golden brown skin layered with gravy to add moistness & flavour. They were crispy on the outside 🙂
The total bill came out to about £40, which was quite reasonable. Not to forget that we’re having a meal in ChinaTown, Leicester Square in central London 🙂
Four Seasons Restaurant
12 Gerrard Street
Tel: 020 7494 0870

that roast duck is awesome especially having it in London! 🙂
roast duck and nothing else..still have thoughts abt it..yum..
is that zi how? he is in london liao?
Four Seasons? They have a branch at Capital Square, KL?
yeah mimi, they've a branch. but so many less than positive reviews got me thinking twice b4 stepping in.
Too bad the duck quality doesn't up to par here in KL.
…not a big fan of duck meat =\ but thanks for sharing!
i want that duck too!! so yummy loong…^_^
0ooo.. Look at the GLOSS on the roast duck and even the noodles!
That duck looks absolutely delicious – I love roast duck, especially with really crispy skin!
本來不打算舉報這件小事, 但覺得不吐不快. 而且想避免以後有同類事情發生, 若童事局又不知情, 可能會引至趕客, 導至責公司營業額下跌.
事緣今日十二時半左右, 我和太太到爵祿街文興午膳. 明顯樓上有空位, 卻要我們到樓下坐. 我們要了
燒暢飯一碟, GBP6.00
蒜芥籣一碟 7.00
例湯一碗 2.50
合計 15.50
但開單 17.40.
女持應 Candy 問會給多少小賬. 我說 17.40 是否己包括小賬. 她說: 小小. 於是我太太打了銀行咭17.40 之後, 再付一鎊銀給 Candy.
貴公司是否容許及鼓勵侍應再收小賬.? 當時我見隔鄰枱也有被繳付一鎊小賬.
那另付的小賬是否歸侍應所有? 抑交由公司發落?
唐人街大家樂和羊城都奉送例湯, 為何貴公司卻要收2.50鎊, 且不及人家的好?
我倆曾是貴公司 Bayswater 的忠實顧客, 亦欣賞貴公司的出品. 但今天的經歷卻令我們因而卻步.
閱報喜悉 貴公司文興酒家華都街分店開業, 謹祝 生意興隆 客似雲來
G. Loh