So our baby is here!
What joy and what pleasure!
Now our life is expanding,
To make room for this treasure.
A darling newcomer
To have and to hold his smiles are more precious
Than silver or gold.
He’ll demolish our schedule
Though he’s helpless and small;
He’ll make his needs known,
And he’ll rule over all.
See, a new parent’s work
Is just never quite done,
But we’ll never mind,
‘Cause it’s all so much fun.
When we hear his cute giggle
We’ll start “aahing” and “oohing,”
And he’ll soon reply back
By “ga ga” and “goo gooing.”
Those innocent eyes
See a world strange and new;
To make sense of it all
He’ll look only to us.
So we’ll cherish this time
Of miraculous things
The excitement and wonder
That a new baby brings!
And yes, I’m confined at home now. Thus, all food posts will be on hold at the moment. Having a baby holiday? Sometimes I just feel like a cow. LOL!
But it doesn’t matter as Mini C really brings lotsa joy at home, despite his loud cries for milk & poop explosions. Haha.
My experience in the labour room was truly unforgettable. With Chris beside me holding my hand. And the moment Cayden comes out…
And yes, Mini C = Cayden. His name is not Mini by he way LOL.
His first cries, I cried too. So does Chris as he was really moved.
Thank you for the moment Cayden.
May you grow up healthily & be a wise man!
Till then! Soon the 3 of us will be on an eating spree again! Hahaha…
We shall turn him into a foodie too! 🙂

Being a royal followr of your blog , I would like to wish you and your new born baby “Merry Christmas and Happy New Year”. I start reading the blog since the day you still in “U” and now you are already a Mummy….I can only said “time really fly!!!!!’..Ha!ha!
Hi Coketai 🙂
Thank you very much!
yea. Time really flies! Still can’t believe I’m a mommy now HAHA
Congraaaatulations! He’s so beautiful (‘: