Being typical Malaysians and a huge fan of MAMAK since our schooling days, this traditional social hub has been many people’s gossip pit or catching a late-night football game while enjoying a cup of tek tarik.
Mamak Talk #1: Moorthy’s Mathai
Let’s do some Mamak Talk online from now to share thoughts on our favourite mamak food: Maggi Goreng & the Rotis.
Since Chris frequent this area often, he decided that I should check this area out too for some authentic Indian Mamak.
Though sometimes we might feel guilty for savouring Maggi Goreng like any other junk fares, I believe many of you love fried Maggi Mee like how the Americans love Mac ‘n’ Cheese. I know some of you may think that this is just a normal plate of plain noodle but we would be looking out for more everytime we happen to drop by at different Mamak. Some may be dry & salty while others are tad soggy & spicy. The search for the perfect plate of maggi goreng: firm noodles with the right amount of gravy and taste tossed with shallots, dark or light soy sauce, flavouring from the Maggi Mee packet,sliced red chilies or even cili padi to spice it up.
Maggi Goreng topped with Sunny side up
Tossed with great flavours (not too empowered by flavouring from the instant packet)
Roti Telur
Our norm of routine order
A fermented crepe made from rice batter and black lentils. Wet chutney & curries to dip with was a very flavoursome combination.
Teh Tarik for 2
An aromatic serving of the local indian milk tea. Chris’s favourite. According to the lady boss, they use fresh cow’s milk for this special teh tarik & if they couldn’t finish the cow’s milk in a day, they are used for their yoghurt preparation. Guaranteed fresh everyday. Their teh tarik really draw more customers in and made the regulars keep coming back for more!
We gave their Indian rice a miss as our stomach’s quota are full. More mamak talk next time!
Do let us know & recommended any good mamak around!
Moorthy’s Mathai Restaurant
No: 78, Jalan Tun Sambanthan
50470 Kuala Lumpur

OOooo you haven’t tried the Valentine Roti Canai! That is the best mamak for me so far.
haha.. haven’t. any more recommendations? 🙂
Thank you Chris, saved the pictures, would be adding it to our new ad and menu.
Best wishes
Mr &Mrs Moorthy
P.S. The next cuppa on us. Plse do remind me. Thanks again
you’re welcome Mr & Mrs Moorthy 🙂
See you soon!
comme d茅crit , merci